Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Energy is high and the outrage of the people is getting... well, the non-stop mobilization of the people is enough to describe how angry and disappointed they are. What is really annoying about this government and other people who are not affected by the worsening living conditions in the country is that they keep on asking the people to respect the processes and institutions. I encountered some people who were saying that the people should just let Gloria finish her term, some say that there is no one to replace her and that even if she is ousted other politicians will just do the same. Some say that we should respect the process when clearly the process is being violated by those who should be upholding it. I will first finish stating the issues that i would like to comment on before I give my response to those issues, so please stay with me for a bit while i state other issues I had read or encountered. Days ago, the military and the police gave a statement that will remain apolitical and that they remain and will remain loyal to Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Also, a few days back Enrile told in a news interview that Lozada and Lacson were conspiring in this NBN issue. Last Saturday, Rez Cortez, president of the Fernando Poe Jr. Movement gave a statement that since GMA is not listening to the masses, other countries should intervene and tell Gloria to step down. Monday night, Christian Monsod, a constitutionalist said that if Gloria is to be ousted, it would result to the weakening of the democracy therefore we should just respect the institutions and follow the processes. now i start my responses to these things, first with the idea that we should just let Gloria finish her term and that any person who will occupy the seat will just do the same thing, I say that those people are the lazy people. You would settle for Gloria just because you don't want to act on the evil things that are happening in our country. You would settle for her simply because you don't see anyone replacing her? There are 85 million Filipinos and yet you think that the only person who has a brain is her? The thing is you just don't want to find a person who will replace her and even if you want to find a person who will lead the country, you will just stop there. You don't want to do anything to keep monitoring the actions of that person who will take the seat of the president. I was in high school when I joined the people in EDSA 2 and after that revolt I told everyone i know that we should not stop being vigilant because the fight didn't really end with the ouster of Erap, as a matter of fact that should have just been the start of a long over due vigilance on the part of the people. People, hundreds of millions were stolen from us even after the time of Marcos, you may ask FVR about the Bonifacio Global City, that is if you will be able to let him admit that he got hundreds of millions of kickback from that transaction. If we will let Gloria finish her term, imagine how much more of the people's money will be lost? How many of the youth will remain uneducated? How many families will still be deprived of housing, health benefits... in short, how many will still be left not having a good life? With regards to what the AFP and PNP said, if they are apolitical why would they say that are loyal to GMA when being apolitical means they should remain loyal not to Gloria but to the constitution, they should remain loyal to the people. Why? because the constitution represents the people and not just the president. Esperon even said that the military has learned its lesson from the past that they should not these kinds of processes. Does this mean that he too admits that this administration is a mistake? These generals(Eperon, Barias, Razon and the likes), if they were not part of the corrupt system of this administration, they should keep in mind that they don't have any "utang na loob" in the president that is why they should not act as GMA's puppies. If they believe that they have their ranks because they earned it, then they should not be worrying on how to repay the promotions that they got. A reminder to the generals: YOU BECAME MILITARY OFFICIALS BECAUSE YOU WORKED FOR IT, YOU EXPERIENCED HELL IN THE ACADEMY AND THOSE TIMES YOU WERE IN HELL, THE PRESIDENT THOUGH ONE OF THE EVIL INDIVIDUALS, WAS NOWHERE NEAR YOU. About what Enrile had said, even if what he was saying were true, should that be his focus? Should that be the people's focus? Even if the government were being set up, the fact they were giving in to the demands of Lozada simply shows that they were trying to hide and/or cover up something. It's the same as the principle of a buy-bust operation. Wait, isn't Enrile the person responsible for the declaration of Martial Law? When he conspired with Marcos for a so-called "ambush"? Moving on, about what Cortez said in ANC's show, Crossroads. Was he even thinking about what he said? That other countries should intervene? Our country is not progressing because most of the policies here are being influenced by other countries through an underground process and now you are giving them the go signal to freely meddle with our own issues? Don't oppose something just to push forward your own political and personal interests. Think about the country and the people of this great nation. Lastly, the most disappointing thing was what I had heard from Christian Monsod, I used to find him as a very intelligent person but after Korina's show I forgot where I placed that admiration for him... I might have dropped it in the toilet bowl. He was worried about the weakening of democracy? Democracy was long gone if he's not aware about it, if he were really an intelligent person he must know that democracy is not just a term, it's a principle and that principle is something that is long gone. It has been taken away from us for many times now by people from the government and it is just about time that we get it again if we believe in this principle. Another thing that he said, many election results during the '04 and '07 elections were not protested therefore it shows that there are processes that are still working. Again, not just because there were no complaints doesn't mean that cheating/irregularities did not happen. Some of the results were not successfully altered by the government simply because it will be too obvious to change it. But if they can get away with it, don't you think they would do something about it? Don't you think they would prefer a set of senators that would serve their interest? As an end to my entry, i will respond to what Malacanang, Monsod and the likes are saying, that we should respect the institutions, I've texted this to Korina's radio program... YOU DON'T ASK FOR RESPECT, YOU GAIN RESPECT! We have given enough chance to the institutions and processes to prove their worth. We tried respecting the institutions that's why when something bad happens we go to the agencies that could address our problems but they have failed us time and time again. Now tell me, is it our fault that the institutions didn't gain the people's respect? To Malacanang and the people who think like them: RESPECT is a MUTUAL thing.