Thursday, December 20, 2007

kill joy or kill Juan?

18 lanterns accompanied by gimmicks plus fireworks display = FUNDERFUL (fun and wonderful)! I am not even sure if this is enough to describe the lantern parade of my beloved alma mater, The University of the Philippines. As we all know, U.P. is the country's biggest State University and is considered to be the one of the best in the whole world. This university produces quality graduates because of its fine education and top professors, most of the professors are also the top practitioners in their field here in the country. What makes U.P. even more beautiful is that even people who are coming from lower class can somehow afford the education here, well that was before tuition and other fee increase was approved by the current administration of the university.  Since fee adjustments were made from 6,000 to 17,000, how can low wage earners still manage sending their kids to this university? This increase of fees issue is just one of the things that the student activists of the university is trying to address (other issues: commercialization of U.P., political killings by the GMA administration and corruption in the government) the increase that President Roman's administration pushed for and approved is definitely a means of depriving poor students from getting quality education that the university can give. Indeed, there is a lack in the budget of this university but the fact that U.P. is a state university, it should be subsidized by the government. Gloria has been cutting down the budget of the University of the Philippines almost every year, what kind of subsidy is that? She is cutting down the budget when more funds should be given to the university because of the rising inflation rate. Given this situation, the Roman administration is passing the cost to the public for the simple fact that the little person in Malacanang who should be giving the correct amount that the university should have chooses not to do that. She can give hundreds of thousands to congressmen and governors and yet they are saying that they have to decrease U.P.'s budget because the government does not have much money/budget? Wait, I am confused... Malacanang does not have funds for education but they have money to spend on lawmakers/allies? Now let's go back to the decision of the officials of U.P. to increase the tuition fee, this is as simple as the principle of E-VAT. Since the government can't or won't get taxes from the people who should be paying the right amount of tax because of their huge businesses/properties, they will just get it from the common people. With the tuition fee increase, since the Roman administration is not getting more subsidy from the government, they just pass it to the students whom they suppose can't do anything about it. I agree that there are students in the university that are rich therefore they can afford to pay for the tuition fee of 17,000, but what about the greater number of students that can't afford this? "Habang buhay nalang ba natin ibabaon sa hirap ang mga mahihirap?" This is what the student activists were trying to address to the Roman administration last December 19, which led to a small commotion after the fun university lantern parade. Some students in who witnessed the scene shouted "Solusyon 'wag dada!" to the activists and some "boo-ed" the student militants. it was very disappointing to hear those people say that, it is one thing being apathetic but giving those kinds of reaction towards people who are fighting for change is another thing. These people, the student activists, are fighting for a cause that all of us should be fighting for and yet these are the treatment that they are getting? Let me ask those who are saying "Solusyon 'wag dada", what have they've been doing to solve these problems? Nothing, right? Why? Because they don't experience the sufferings of the people whom these activist are speaking for. To those people who shouted "Boo!" to these students, why would you do that? Because you think that your fun christmas celebration is being spoiled? Did you guys ever realize that even if one Christmas celebration is spoiled, you would still be able to spend Christmas? Did you ever think about those people who can't have any Christmas celebration at all and that these people are the ones that these activists are fighting for? Come on guys, you should know better, "Iskolar kayo ng Bayan" and we owe it to the people to help fight for change. "Great power comes great responsibility..." if my memory serves me right that is a famous line from the Spiderman, we too as U.P. students should be following that line. We are in "The University of the Philippines" not just to make our lives better but of the Filipino people as well. If the government is just wasting the people's money, let us change that by fighting the wrong things in the system and make the people feel that their money is getting somewhere. U.P. Fight!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

white is not even a color...

I spent my day with my girlfriend, we had to go to Metropolitan Museum to check out pre-colonial stuff. It was indeed a very nice experience, I don't even know if "very nice" is enough to describe the wonderful sight that we saw earlier this day. But aside from the proud feeling that I got to see those properties that once belonged to our ancestors, I really started feeling sad as I continue with my tour on that floor of the pre-colonial artifacts of our country. Not that the artifacts were already falling apart, as a matter of fact they were preserved very well by the museum people, you would know that this floor is the most valued part of the place because of the hi-tech security system that they have on that particular floor. By looking at the artifacts, you would have a slight idea on how our ancestors lived during the early times... they lived great! They had a concept of design and fashion... they had a civilization. The jars that were made by our ancestors were finely done, it was just not any ordinary "palayok", it had intricate designs and well molded shapes. Now after you have seen the collection of jars, move to the next room and you'll see the jewelry collection of the native Filipinos, which was not good... it's MAGNIFANTABOLOUS (magnificent, fantastic, fabolous)! Our ancestors were filthy rich, our nation is wealthier than what we imagine and by looking at the ancestors you would know that there was order, there were people ruling the nation. We were already a civilized nation even before these foreigners came to "save us from ignorance". How dare them say that we were ignorant when we know how to make things that we need?! How dare them call us uncivilized when have people already ruling in the country even before they came?! It is very saddening when you come to think about it, that many of the ancient Filipinos had to die because we needed the so called saving from the Westerners, they made us believe that we were ignorant and that we needed help from them. To that I say "BULLSHIT"! We had our own identity, culture, religion and ways to make our country work well, the way it has been working very well before these white people came here to colonize us. Some who will read this article would say that this should not be an issue anymore for the colonizers have long been gone. Well... are they? Are we really free? No, we're not! Have you seen a magazine that has a colored cover but when you look inside it is just black and white? WE are like that magazine, these colonizers (not just Spain) say that we are already free from them but the truth is we are not. If we are free from them, then we should be doing away with the imposed things by the Catholic Church on us, I am not saying that we shouldn't be recognizing a Supreme Being, all I am trying to say is that we let the church judge us on the things that we do when they do evil things as well and get away with it when they get caught. If we are free, then how come every move that our government makes or will make should have their consent or approval. When will we end this corruption of the Filipino people? What will be left for us? We have a country who has an administration that serves the interests of these foreign countries and at the same time steal from the people of the very nation that they should be serving. Let us be free... let us bring back the freedom that our ancestors once have. Fight against IMPERIALISM! Fight against this corrupt government, which is an ally of these imperialists. We will never have a better life, the good life that the early Filipinos once have if these two elements are here to stay. We can beat them if we want to, we just have to FIGHT! Besides, who are these white people? White isn't even a color!"

Sunday, December 2, 2007

short term, long term...

My Tito Danny, one of my mom's friend s abroad saw my prior entry and commented on it... "I feel Trillanes' frustration but he must also know the consequences of what he did..." This is what he said to my mom upon reading my blog about the Makati incident last Thursday. I know that many Filipinos see the act as a bad thing simply because it is bad for the economy, which is trying to rise up in this present times. Some even said that the economy is already stable and acts like this will destroy such stability in the economy. But do we really believe that the economy is doing good? That the lives of the Filipino people are getting better? You guys might want to rethink that. They say that an action like this would scare the investors away, making our country drop million levels away from being included in the list of countries who have good economy. That is not completely true, though investors help in giving jobs to the people in our country, they do not really help in making a small country progress rather they make it look this way while they are trying to suck everything from the said poor country. This is just one of the sick part of the thing called CAPITALISM. Capitalism is a principle whereas the institutions do not care for the people, all it cares about is how to make things better for themselves. Imagine a country running in this kind of economic policy combined with a corrupt administration, do you think that anything will be left for the people? This is the current state that we have now in this poor country, the so called economy that is getting better is not the economy of the masses, it is the economy of the elites the ones who run and own the companies that try to tell us that they are here to make our lives better. Most if not all of these companies are after their own good and they don't care if you die of hunger because they are not the ones dying anyway. Same with the government, they have to protect the interests of these big companies because it is either they own shares from the companies or the companies are top contributors in their campaigns. Don't you ever wonder why these business organizations are not taking a stand on the issue about Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo even when there are so many issues of graft and corruption have been coming out against this so called leader? Compared when issues of graft and corrupt practices came out against Erap Estrada, they immediately made a move against the ex-action star "people of the masses" for the simple fact that they were concerned that Joseph Estrada might, in time protect the interest of the masses and not of the big businesses. With GMA, they are assured that it will serve the interest of the elites even if she continues her corrupt practices it will barely affect them because their interests are all served by this ELITIST, FASCIST, IMPERIALIST president of the nation. The economy that will be affected that the people are so concerned about is not theirs, will never be theirs unless changes are made. the people are thinking short term rather than long term. The people are afraid that they wont have much for today rather than being concerned that the younger will be left with none. Would you rather make a stand now and have changes or settle for mediocre and not have anything in the future? I have this feeling that people were thinking, "I can't join and support them because I know how ruthless this administration is and they can do whatever they want with me if i support these men..." The thing is, we are in this slump because we think like that, we don't have the balls to stand up against something oppressive, or even if we were able to gather the strength to fight once the battle is won we forget about what we have fought for. With what happened last Thursday, we need to be reminded that there are people who don't forget what they are fighting for. Those people particularly General Lim and Senator Trillanes have been inside the prison for a cause that we should all be sharing and despite its being unsuccessful for the first time, they did not give up on the cause and tried again. What's sad about it is that they had faith on us, that we would know what to do once a call for a liberation from oppressive government was done, but all we did was disappoint them. The people proved these men wrong, these men who had complete faith in the integrity, intelligence and responsibility of the Filipino people that they were fighting for. All it took for the people's integrity, intelligence and responsibility to go away was fear and short term outlook on the present situation of Filipinos. The next time you drive your car, ride a public transportation or even while walking on the street of your office, try to look around you and see if the lives of the people (the ones sweeping the streets, the vendors, the parking boys) have gotten any better even if yours were. Do the people even bother asking why the lives of the masses are not getting any better when the so called leaders have a fantastic, wonderful life and still even bother to steal from the people. If we don't act now, then when? Think of this scenario, you have something to eat on your plate now, but in the future even a plate, your kid might not be able to have. The actions of the people last Thursday show that they want a a plate and a food on that plate as well not just for them but for the future ones. COURAGE and LONG-TERM GOAL is the key, let us go and make our stand... now! "The people should not be afraid of the government, the government should be afraid of the people..."-V FOR VENDETTA

Saturday, December 1, 2007

salute to the real brave soldiers

Last Thursday, November 29, 2007 , Senator Trillanes and General Lim walked out of their hearing on the rebellion case charged against them. These two brave men along with some Magdalo soldiers and members of the civil society went straight to the Manila Penn in Makati City to ask for the resignation of the "president" of the Philippines because of the corrupt practices of the administration of the so called president of the country. Hours later the police and the military went to the hotel to arrest these people who were trying to stand up for the people of this country. We can see with what had happened how cruel this administration is, that they are willing to do anything to stay in power for they know that staying in power is their only free pass from going to jail. When I heard about the stand off, i got really excited and happy for the country... alas! a change will be happening soon i said to myself. Freedom from the fascist "head of the state" is minutes from happening and soon enough people could be awakened from a nightmare that has been going on for several years now. I was already preparing myself to go to Makati when suddenly the group decided to go out of the hotel because of what was happening, too many civilians were going to get hurt if not killed if they had chose to stand their ground in the hotel. My world started to crash, I even almost cried... i composed myself but a tear still fell. A tear that would have fallen down out of happiness if only the calls for resignation became successful. What's wrong with us people? Honestly, i got mad at myself for not being able to go there earlier! But really... what is wrong with us? Here are people who were willing to risk it all just for us to have a better life, a life free from this oppressive government and what did we do? We abandoned them when all they were asking from us was to go there and give them support and fight our battle with them. This battle is not just their battle, it is mine... it is yours... it is ours! It is a battle for the future generation of this forsaken country. ALL WE HAD TO DO WAS BE THERE! Do you know the principle of a water pump? A water pump sucks up the water available from the water lines, it'll suck all of the water until there is none left. This administration is the water pump and we the people are the water and nothing will be left on and for us until we do something... until we take a stand! People not being in the vicinity of the Manila Penn is one thing but saying that those people who were in there were just trying to cause turmoil is a different thing... a very sick view on the thing that had happened. Just because the businesses of the elites who do not feel the everyday suffering of the majority of the Filipino people is being affected does not mean that the move that these brave people did was a bunch of none sense. And to those middle class people who share the same that this is just a lame act because nothing can be done to change the rotten system, please ask yourself... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? If you can say that you've already tried so many things and that in every try you believed that something positive will happen because of your acts, then maybe... just maybe, you have the right to say that nothing can be done. But this i say to you, you haven't tried everything because there are so many things that can be done, that we can't stop with just 1... 2... or 3 tries because the moment that we give up on fighting our cause, that is not trying anymore. Until there is breath, until there is a future generation and until there are wrong doings in the system, we should not stop fighting. And to the administration, isn't it enough that you are still holding on to that post, which you are so in love with? Stop making the Filipino people stupid ignorant human beings! Stop using the term "rule of law" when clearly you are the ones who have no respect for it. Let us say that some law was violated by these brave people, at least they used it for a good cause. But you, the government who should be protecting the interest of the people over your own greedy interests is the one who are exploiting the law that you should have been implementing. Don't pretend that your administration is a sincere and honest one. If I may quote Steve Martin, "You are just hiding greed in the face of morality!" You should always remember that what goes around, comes around... that one day the nation will let you pay for all the bad things that you have done in this good country. Stop making a fool out of the Filipino people! with this, i now end my blog. HAIL TO SENATOR TRILLANES AND GENERAL LIM AND TO THE PEOPLE WHO WERE BRAVE ENOUGH TO STAND UP FOR THE NATION! MAY GOD BE WITH YOU! BE STRONG AND CONTINUE WITH THE BATTLE! OUR PRAYERS WILL BE WITH YOU! MABUHAY ANG PILIPINAS! MABUHAY ANG SAMBAYANANG PILIPINO!