Saturday, December 1, 2007

salute to the real brave soldiers

Last Thursday, November 29, 2007 , Senator Trillanes and General Lim walked out of their hearing on the rebellion case charged against them. These two brave men along with some Magdalo soldiers and members of the civil society went straight to the Manila Penn in Makati City to ask for the resignation of the "president" of the Philippines because of the corrupt practices of the administration of the so called president of the country. Hours later the police and the military went to the hotel to arrest these people who were trying to stand up for the people of this country. We can see with what had happened how cruel this administration is, that they are willing to do anything to stay in power for they know that staying in power is their only free pass from going to jail. When I heard about the stand off, i got really excited and happy for the country... alas! a change will be happening soon i said to myself. Freedom from the fascist "head of the state" is minutes from happening and soon enough people could be awakened from a nightmare that has been going on for several years now. I was already preparing myself to go to Makati when suddenly the group decided to go out of the hotel because of what was happening, too many civilians were going to get hurt if not killed if they had chose to stand their ground in the hotel. My world started to crash, I even almost cried... i composed myself but a tear still fell. A tear that would have fallen down out of happiness if only the calls for resignation became successful. What's wrong with us people? Honestly, i got mad at myself for not being able to go there earlier! But really... what is wrong with us? Here are people who were willing to risk it all just for us to have a better life, a life free from this oppressive government and what did we do? We abandoned them when all they were asking from us was to go there and give them support and fight our battle with them. This battle is not just their battle, it is mine... it is yours... it is ours! It is a battle for the future generation of this forsaken country. ALL WE HAD TO DO WAS BE THERE! Do you know the principle of a water pump? A water pump sucks up the water available from the water lines, it'll suck all of the water until there is none left. This administration is the water pump and we the people are the water and nothing will be left on and for us until we do something... until we take a stand! People not being in the vicinity of the Manila Penn is one thing but saying that those people who were in there were just trying to cause turmoil is a different thing... a very sick view on the thing that had happened. Just because the businesses of the elites who do not feel the everyday suffering of the majority of the Filipino people is being affected does not mean that the move that these brave people did was a bunch of none sense. And to those middle class people who share the same that this is just a lame act because nothing can be done to change the rotten system, please ask yourself... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? If you can say that you've already tried so many things and that in every try you believed that something positive will happen because of your acts, then maybe... just maybe, you have the right to say that nothing can be done. But this i say to you, you haven't tried everything because there are so many things that can be done, that we can't stop with just 1... 2... or 3 tries because the moment that we give up on fighting our cause, that is not trying anymore. Until there is breath, until there is a future generation and until there are wrong doings in the system, we should not stop fighting. And to the administration, isn't it enough that you are still holding on to that post, which you are so in love with? Stop making the Filipino people stupid ignorant human beings! Stop using the term "rule of law" when clearly you are the ones who have no respect for it. Let us say that some law was violated by these brave people, at least they used it for a good cause. But you, the government who should be protecting the interest of the people over your own greedy interests is the one who are exploiting the law that you should have been implementing. Don't pretend that your administration is a sincere and honest one. If I may quote Steve Martin, "You are just hiding greed in the face of morality!" You should always remember that what goes around, comes around... that one day the nation will let you pay for all the bad things that you have done in this good country. Stop making a fool out of the Filipino people! with this, i now end my blog. HAIL TO SENATOR TRILLANES AND GENERAL LIM AND TO THE PEOPLE WHO WERE BRAVE ENOUGH TO STAND UP FOR THE NATION! MAY GOD BE WITH YOU! BE STRONG AND CONTINUE WITH THE BATTLE! OUR PRAYERS WILL BE WITH YOU! MABUHAY ANG PILIPINAS! MABUHAY ANG SAMBAYANANG PILIPINO!

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